• Living as Jewish and / or Christian: ending the identity crisis.


    Living as Jewish and / or Christian: ending the identity crisis.
    Remember what "altar of the twelve stones" because rebuilding this altar of twelve stones is a priority for coming into the Kingdom.
    Yeshua completes the work of Yehoshua (Joshua) and Eliyahu (Elijah).
    Yehoshua has erected his first altar of twelve stones in the bottom of the Jordan river (Joshua: 4.9) facing the city of Jericho, for crossing the Ark of the Covenant and the people. The location is visible from Mount Nebo, Mosheh was able to identify it before closing his eyes on that vision.
    Very close from there, throws the small rivers Yaboq, known for hosting the battle of Yaakov (Jacob) with the Angel (thus before "Jacob" became "Israel"... and generates Benjamin).
    It is also on the banks of Yaboq that grows Eliyahu. It is also immediate area of this strait where the Jordan river flows into the Dead Sea, that Éliyahou was taken face to Éliysha (Elisha). It is this small piece of land in dense biblical history that chooses Yohanan hamatbil (John the Baptist) to immerse the repentant in water of purification, announcing the coming of the Kingdom.


    It is this same part of Eretz-Israel that the Lord chooses to be alone for forty days of quarantine on the heights of Mount (opposite Jericho), after He met in the Jordan river, Yohanan (John) the prophet this one of which is announced: "He is Eliyahu who is to come."
    At the same location (or near) where Yehoshua / Joshua built the altar of twelve stones that was submerged, hidden by the waters of the Jordan, Yeshua, the Son was revealed to the world.
    How may we not see in this geographical proximity more than a coincidence, but a desire to attract the attention and mean something deeper? So:
    • if Yehoshua / Joshua inaugurated in this place , the entrance in the kingdom (ground) of Israel, Yeshua has opened the entrance into the Messianic Kingdom
    • If Yehoshua has hidden for a time the altar of twelve stones in the bottom of the Jordan river, the Son revealed to the world as the only "place" of true worship: the "authentic place," is He.
    Remember that Yehoshua's altar was erected at the area where the priests carrying the ark of the Elohim and the living Torah. Permanently, this place was holy.
    So, was it not the true mission of John the "immergeur" Yohanan hamatbil this one who reveals to the world that was immersed the altar of Elohim?
    John answered them, "I baptize in water. Among of you stands someone you do not know, And I did not know him; but that whyHe might be revealed to Israel, that
    I came baptizing in water. "
    The "physical body" of the Adon Yeshua that emerges from the waters of the Jordan river accompanied by a divine sentence unambiguously "This is my Son in whom I am well pleased ..." is this image of regenerated 'submerged altar of Yehoshua.
    This altar of twelve stones was erected at the area where stopped the Ark containing the Torah. Is it not so remarkable that the living Torah returns to the scene of that hidden altar to regenerate it?
    Because, do not forget, it must be there an altar for having a sacrifice.
    Surprising fact: after this episode of immersion, what Yeshua did? Like Yehoshua, He erected another altar of the same kind as that in the Jordan river. The Lord will reunite the first twelve disciples, taking care to "rename" the first of them, Cephas, meaning "stone"! How this second altar of living stones could be the same as that which had just been regenerated on the Jordan river?
    "Take this (matzot" afikoman ") is my body ... in memory of me every time (each" commemoration "of the" dinner of Adon "* ..": the principle of worship offered by the Son is to erect some memorial altars to participate in His nature becoming like him: Son of the Father (without attempting to the religiosity of Sunday rituals).
    As building for Himself a "body" of twelve living stones - memorial of His own nature - the Adon Yeshua follows the example of Yehoshua in Gilgal who built an altar of twelve stones of the same nature as the altar immersed in the Jordan river a dwelling for the Ark of the Covenant. On the altar stones were engraved the words of the Torah.
    These raw uncut stones with iron - meaning, by the hand of another man - came from the Jordan river: they were "clean and healthy". Live rock unshaped by other philosophies of men will likewise ensure immerse themselves in similar waters but it will not be enough, the Adon warned that it must again "wash their feet".


    Do not forget the main feature of the memorial altars: twelve men, twelve stones ... for each man his stone, each stone a man.
    These stones - meaning these men - are similar and the words of the Torah are engraved on the "flesh of hearts" when they advantageously replace the "stone hearts."
    (According to Ezekiel 11:19).
    The message of Yehoshua, Eliyahu and Yeshua is clear: we must first rebuild the altar with twelve stones before hoping to glimpse the coming of the Kingdom.
    The altar of Yehoshua / Ephraim - the youngest - could not be replaced by the altar of Reuven - the eldest -. The altar of Eliyahu incorporated that of Yehudah - yet absent and at war - and does not replace that of Levy.
    The living altar of Yeshua make remain the requirement of this priestly unity necessary to the house of Jacob, and could not accept inside it, stones wearing a spirit of impatience (that one of Judah Iscariot, defective stone and replaced)
    The living altar of Yeshua can´t even accept stones carved by iron - Shaul raised at Gamaliel´s knowledge- and demands of these stones to abandon themselves to the point of looking like mud the iron that carved them.
    The altar-memorial that every believer in Yeshua must aspire to join, is not compatible with political action (Judah Iscariot), nor with the tradition of the Fathers (Shaul ... who however became "Paul" the "Benjaminite" of "Israel" sent to the Gentiles).
    The Kohen Gadol, the High Priest, of the twelve stones (Exodus 28).
    Another priestly figure is closely linked to the twelve stones of the altar: the high priest.
    By divine decree, Aharon and his descendants must bring on the heart the breastplate of judgment when approaching the Adonai YHWH: twelve stones according to the number of the tribes of the house of Jacob.
    The altar of Yehoshua therefore refers unambiguously to the central character which is the Kohen Gadol (high priest) in the priesthood of the first Covenant.
    To denature the altar by constructing it as using the foreign stones (different and incompatible spiritual nature) or knowingly failing to graft an authentic stone, is like then to "disconnect" the altar of the principal celebrant: this broken harmonious balance, the risk is great to give birth to an illegitimate and unauthorized worship.
    That was certainly the message from the priest Piynéhas, grand-son of Aaron, to Reuven when they erected a different altar, than Yehoshua´s one. Considering the breastplate of the Kohen Gadol, those of Reuben, Gad and Menasheh, admitted that their altar was not in any way become a place of worship, as disconnected from the main actor.
    Now apply this consideration to the main celebrant of the renewed Alliance: the Adon Yeshua who endorsed definitely all the clothes of the Kohen Gadol, this can´t be disconnected from the altar of the twelve living stones that He Himself has erected.
    Build another altar, is to discredit the High Priest title and not be to the benefit of his intercession. Indeed, only the reconstruction of the altar with twelve stones, allowed Eliyahu to efficiently circumscribe the divine fire. Even in the division and separation, the Elohim prophets must be careful avoid to preach other altars than the house of Jacob ("all Israel") reunite. The altars partially rebuilt or deliberately left fallow from the benefit of other religious buildings, can´t stop the wrath of God at the time of the dreadful day: indeed, our Kohen Gadol can not intervene on an altar that would not has the same nature as that which he bears to the Father. So we must be careful not to invite our Kohen Gadol face an altar which is that of Peter and that of Paul, the Reuben or that of Yehudah, etc ... We need to ensure we register in the reconstruction work of the altar of twelve stones initialized by the Lord, comply in all respects to that of Yehoshua, rebuilt by Eliyahu and revealed in Yeshua.
    Where is and how to rebuild the altar? It is already present in every believer in Yeshua who keep the commandments of the Father, if they take care not to build altars in line with their own aspirations and traditions, but not conforming to the divine plan: as similar as this one built by Cain.
    "Jews or Greeks"? "Judah" or "Ephraim"?
    Following these ideas about the building of the altar with twelve stones, the reader will understand that the above question is moot: how to persist to live only as a component of the altar and prohibit ourselves to live by the fullness of the twelve stones together?
    In the Messianic communities from Gentile-Christian or Jewish faiths, some still wonder whether they should live their faith in Yeshua as a Judaizing rite or by western traditions of the churches "Sunday said." This crisis of identity has no place in the heavenly Jerusalem, the city with twelve foundations and twelve gates: in fact, in the book of Revelation vision of Yeshua (Apocalypse), the twelve stones gross altar of Yehoshua-Eliyahu became pearls and entrance points to the city for all nations.
    These pearls are themselves embedded in the walls supported by twelve "stones-apostles", represented by the twelve stones of the breastplate of the Kohen Gadol: there is complete fusion of the "genetic" and "spiritual." The overriding Yehoshua altar is transcended as altar of living stones of Yeshua. Then the unit expresses only under the banner of Mashiah and no under any other title, because the two He has made ONE.
    Therefore, working hard to live according to the rite of Yehudah, Levy or Reuven, or persisting on living according to the rite of "Peter the Roman despite himself," is like a non-prophetic sense and a historical dead-end, concerning the whole Word revelation.
    The City of the King has three doors on each cardinal point: meaning many opportunities for those, from the north, east, west or south, joining in their own sensibilities, the true worship of Adonai YHWH.
    Asking "to those from the south" to go through the door of "those from the North" and vice versa, generating an unnecessary cross over where many get lost along the way: this image shows the of identity´s crisis that can live - and sometimes live badly - believers of the nations who play Jewish and Jews who are trying to forget that they are Jewish.
    Similarly, explaining to "those of the east" that their door is walled and there are no entrance point for them from this side of the wall, is like to expel them from the city and the altar.
    Concerning "those from the west," if they continue teaching that the only one entrance to the city is that they have sole custody, they may find that they are guarding the entrance of a city which is not the city of the King.
    To all those teaching that kind of speeches without prophetic sense, we must remember that only the rebuild of the altar with twelve stones, which is the perfect unity in Yeshua, we will see the coming of the Kingdom.
    To those of the "friends of Israel" ("Israel's state friends"?) * Teaching in churches on Sunday, "stop Judaizing and flee from the so-called" return under the law "of Israel of the old Covenant ... "we must say firmly:" You expel from the altar of the house of Jacob, stone from Yehudah-Benjamin and those from Levy. Your altar is unfinished and not authentic."
    * Note from JYH: Those who call themselves "friends of Israel" confusing certainly "Judah" and "the Israel of Elohim", that shoul be suitable to become themselves "Israel" (wrestler of El) rather than becoming the "friends of first coming "while also remaining" friends of Rome!
    See also: 
    For those teaching in the synagogues "leave the churches and get circumcised," we must say " You expel from the altar of the house of Yaakov, the stone from Ephraim and Menasheh, the graft-Egyptian foreigners on the knees of the patriarch. You rebuilt from your position of seniors, the altar of Reuven. "
    Still others are teaching the supremacy of the Ashkenazi rite against the Sephardic tradition. Some will remember the Samaritans and Karaites, while others are proud of their family tree and kosher. All these trends and cultic orientations, are not conducive for rebuilding the altar with twelve stones. Worst, by adopting such a sectarian attitude we "close the natural gateway" to those of the opposite tribe, thereby prohibiting them from approaching the city of the great King.
    Our responsibility is huge, this message must blow very strong today in the body of the Mashiach, who is rich with twelve foundations, and all entrance doors. Each one must be found out of place on his wall and ensure that all are keeping their own doors: these are the conditions of the security of the City against the onslaught of the enemy.
    In this messianic perspective, there is no longer Jew or Christian (or Greek, the word Christian did not exist at the time!). All are disciples of Yeshua and are keeping the commandments of Elohim. If indeed they observe the commandments!
    He will endure against all odds, trends and sensibilities that characterize the richness and authenticity of this altar of the twelve living stones. Altar that may not admit what is foreign, profane, added or deleted in the Word of Elohim.
    Nobody can really approach of it if he is not stripped of its dogmas inherited from human deviances.
    Living like a Jew or Christian: a question which is no longer one and is no longer a stumbling stone for those who apprehended their true identity.
    Because all are called to communion at the same altar: this from the prophetic projection of Yehoshua, of Eliyahu and more certainly than, finalized and perfect from Yeshua.
    Think about this! Each individual is a precious stone, harmonious, that fits planned in advance to prepare the Temple of His Body. Be blessed.


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