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    Household items dirtier that a toilet seat.


    No need to make an obsession for cleanliness, nor to be very scared of dirt existence, so that you realize that while you take care of your home, there are many things that you do not always clean and become a magnet for bacteria.


    Household items dirtier that a toilet seat.

    The lighting objects surface.
    Have you ever thought that the top of the chandelier, inside or behind your lamp can accumulate a lot of dirt and bacteria.  Well, this happens not because they have any particular magnet, but because, statistically, most often we forget that and they should be cleaned. Of course the switches that are touched countless times are also a source of dirt, and also our hands are carriers of the bacteria.


    Kitchen sponges.
    We use the kitchen sponge to wash dishes. But it also must be washed and replaced increasingly often. Maintaining a moist environment that facilitates the growth of bacteria and we can get in touch extremely easy.


    Appliances must also be cleaned with the rest of the house. Because dust deposits can be a source of allergies and we all know how much dust can attract the TV, laptop or other objects.


    Carpet and floor.
    The carpet is a real dirt “swallower” and if is not cleaned effectively, can become a hotbed of bacteria. So most times is not enough just to vacuum the surface, it also needs brushing and cleaning using shampoo. The good part is that we should not necessarily go to the dry cleaners for this, because there modern vacuums cleaners solve this problem.


    Bathroom objects.
    Although you might think that the bathroom can be one of the cleanest places in the house, and if you’re at it, you’re wrong. Toothbrush, for example, can attract thousands of bacteria by his mere presence too close to the toilet. So if you want to keep your care items safe from bacteria care, position them far away from the toilet.



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  • This judge is pretending that Hillary Clinton is guilty, but he refuses to take some risk for himself.

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    Turbulence: A True Story of Survival – This is a new book about the remarkable story of Annette Herfkens, the only survivor of Vietnam Airlines flight 474.  At the time, she was 31, living in Madrid, and engaged to her boyfriend of 13 years — who died in the accident, along with the 22 other passengers and six crew members.

    Turbulence: A True Story of Survival from an Airplane crash.

    On the morning of November 14, 1992, Annette Herfkens, a top Dutch banker (and one of the few female international bond traders on Wall Street), packed her luggage for a romantic getaway with her longtime fiance, Pasje. At 6:25 that morning, Annette and Pasje boarded the plane out of Ho Chi Minh City, with twenty-three other passengers and six crew members, excited to finally have a vacation together. Six minutes before landing, flying at speed of 300 miles per hour, the plane lost altitude and crashed along a mountain ridge in the jungle of Vietnam.


    At first Annette heard the voices of other passengers, but soon they went quiet. Annette was the only survivor. For eight days she lay injured and alone, with only rainwater to sustain her. Presumed dead, her obituary made it into local newspapers. What followed is an incredible story of survival, mystery, and the endurance of spirit.


    Even after surviving and learning to cope with her harrowing experience, Annette’s biggest life challenge began years later, when her son Maxi was diagnosed with autism. As she weathered the joys and challenges of raising Maxi, Annette often called upon the profound insights she learned during those eight days, viewing every turbulent event in her life with the unflinching optimism of a true survivor.


    This is an inspiring account of one woman’s journey and perseverance, as a plane-crash survivor and even more so as a devoted mother to her autistic son, but also of discovering strength and beauty in unexpected places.

    Turbulence: A True Story of Survival from an Airplane crash.

    Annette Herfkens with Mr Cao when she was back in Vietnam. He was the first person to spot her after the crash.


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