
    Today, as part of The Hieno! “What is Finnish-ness” series celebrating Suomi 100 in 2017, we at Hungry in Helsinki are proud to be featured to express our love of Finland & all things Finnish


    To create a blog called “Hungry In Helsinki”, one must be simultaneously hungry and in love! This post is an extract from the interview with The Hieno.[Read the whole story here!] In anticipation for Finland’s 100 years of independence next year, we were asked to tell about our dreams and visions for Finland’s future. This is our answer: 



    “Dear Finland, for your 100th birthday we would like to wish you  joy, happiness, prosperity. diversity and creativity! Do not fear; in country years, 100 is the age of reason, yet it is still young and energetic. You have your life ahead of you and we are proud of how elegantly you have grown from your rural childhood into a lovely urban young lady. Do not forget your roots and were you are coming from, but with it, remember to respect and value diversity and the many cultures that will inevitably cross your path as you gain wisdom and years. Each new person you let in will bring you a new spice or flavor to make you richer and even more beautiful. From the chili of oriental food, the rosemary of southern cuisine, the gingery scent of Asian world and more, you will be amazed at the many wonders that lie within if you allow them to surprise you. You are a unique and beautiful place, with a serenity and certainty that takes our breath away and we are proud to call you our adoptive country.”


    Hungry In Helsinki’s Traditional Salmon Soup.


    This simple yet, mandatory recipe is a perfect trial round for all who wish to understand a bit more about Finland! It is a perfect dish all year long, but really gets perfect just about now, when the cold days are closing in. It’s a classic recipe and every Finnish household has their take on it! Here is ours:





      • 6 potatoes


      • 2 carrots


      • 2 onions


      • 8 dl of water


      • ½ teaspoon of whole peppercorns (about 10)


      • 1 Bay leaf


      • 200 grams of Salmon filet,


      • 200 grams of white fish filet


      • 2 dl of crème fraîche.


      • 1 cube of fish stock


      • A handful of fresh dill


      • Salt & white pepper to taste


      • ~30g Butter for frying






      • Wash, peel & cube the vegetables.


      • Mince the onion and sauté briefly in butter in a deep pot


      • Cover the vegetables with the water & add the fish stock. Add the spices & bay leaf, leave to simmer gently


      • Clean the filet of fish remove bones & skin and cube


      • Add the fish to the stock, then add the cream


      • Cook until the fish is no longer translucent (about 5 minutes) & taste for saltiness


      • Add the dill and serve immediately with warm rye bread & salted butter



    This recipe can’t go wrong, simply use fresh ingredients, adjust seasoning to your preferences and enjoy!



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    The most powerful natural antibiotic. Kills any infection in the body.


    If you don’t trust in pharmacies and you’re looking for a powerful antibiotic, natural and very healthy, this is your recipe!


    This remedy is easy to prepare at home and rejuvenates your body, making it work flawlessly.


    For the body to function flawlessly, it’s essential to have a strong immune system. Say goodbye to inflammations and infections, and trust me that this remedy will protect you against any infection and bacteria.




    – 3 cups of apple cider vinegar


    – 1/4 cup of chopped garlic


    – 1/4 cup of chopped onion


    – 2 fresh chili peppers


    – 1/4 cup of grated ginger


    – 2 teaspoons of grated horseradish


    – 2 teaspoons of turmeric


    – 3 teaspoons of honey


    How to prepare:


    Mix all ingredients in a bowl except apple cider vinegar. After the ingredients are homogenous, place them in a jar, then add the vinegar, seal the jar and mix them well by shaking the jar.


    Put the jar in a cool dark place for 14 day then strain it through gauze.


    Take 1 teaspoon of this remedy every day because this dose is enough to protect you from infections and bacteria. It has a strong flavor but that’s what makes this remedy great in “beating up” infections.



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    15 amazing household uses for vinegar.


    You use it on salads, sauces and maybe on cleaning the windows. But did you know you can use vinegar almost anywhere in the household? See 15 amazing household uses for vinegar:


    1. Clean the coffee machine.
    Mix two cups of water with a cup of undiluted vinegar and put the solution in the coffee machine. Start it and repeat the process two or three times before you make the first fresh coffee.


    2. Disinfect the kitchen sponges.
    Leave the dishwashing sponge overnight in a bowl where you put vinegar. Let it dry before using.


    3. Clean wax crayons trails.
    If your children have painted your walls with wax crayons, their trails can be dissolved by using vinegar. Dip a toothbrush in undiluted vinegar and rub the stained area.


    4. Clean chalk traces.
    If flower vase remained patchy, vinegar will save you again. Sprinkle undiluted vinegar over the chalk traces, then cover the vase with a cloth and leave it overnight. The next day rinse thoroughly with warm water.
    You can also clean chalk traces from the taps by wrapping them with paper towels soaked in vinegar. You can do the same with the shower head or handles. Let the vinegar act 10 minutes then rinse.


    5. Remove chewing gum.
    Kids have stuck gum on clothes, carpet, beds, sheets etc.? Heat one cup of undiluted vinegar, then rub the area with a toothbrush dipped in that hot liquid.


    6. Remove perspiration stains from clothing.
    If you have a shirt that was stained on armpits, sink stained areas in undiluted vinegar. Leave it on for 15 minutes then rub gently with a toothbrush. Rinse the shirt in warm water.


    7. Remove grease stains from smartphones.
    Mix half a cup of vinegar with half a cup of water. Spray the solution on a microfiber cloth and clean your phone screen.


    8. Protect your house from ants.
    Soak a sponge in vinegar and rub the entrance areas: windows and doorways.


    9. Clean the lenses.
    Put a drop of vinegar on the lens and wipe them with a soft cloth.


    10. Remove the wallpaper.
    If you have wallpaper and you want to take it off, mix one part vinegar with one part water. Dip a paint roller in this concoction and cover the wallpaper surface you want to take it off, then peel it.


    11. Clean the wax.
    If candle wax can no longer be removed, soak a paper towel in vinegar and wrap it on the wax. Then rub until wax falls.


    12. Remove odors.
    To remove odors from the refrigerator, soak a towel in vinegar and wipe the refrigerator.


    13. Remove weeds.
    If you want to get rid of weeds, spray vinegar over them. Take care not to touch the flowers you want to remain in your garden.


    14. Prevent mold.
    Mix one part vinegar with one part water and spray over the sink every time after bathing.


    15. Disinfect the chopper.
    Soak a cloth in undiluted vinegar and clean the chopper after each use. In this way you prevent germs development and food contamination.



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