
    Vinegar is a particularly good ingredient for cleaning and freshening the bedroom. Vinegar has a low price, it is not toxic and can have many uses in the household. It removes odors, stains and clean debris, and at the same time acts as a strong disinfectant. Vinegar is found in any grocery store. With one bottle you can clean and freshen the bedroom at least twice. And the best part is that you can use vinegar as the sole ingredient in cleaning the entire room.


    How to use vinegar to clean the bedroom.

    Here are some ways  to clean the bedroom using vinegar.
    Washing windows.
    Add 100 ml of undiluted vinegar in a spray bottle and spread the product  all over the bedroom’s windows. Finally wipe with a paper towel. The windows will be perfectly clean, like you’ve washed it with a special detergent. The good thing is that vinegar contains no toxic ingredients that you can inhale mistakenly when spraying.


    Odor Removal.
    Tobacco odors, cat urine etc. They can be easily removed using vinegar. Spray the product on the area from which the smell comes, leave it on for 10 minutes and then wipe with an abrasive pad. The area will be clean, refreshed and disinfected, and the odors will be imperceptible.


    Stain removal.
    If the furniture or the floor have are various spots, vinegar is the ingredient that will solve the problem. This is an acidic liquid that dissolves any deposits or dirt within a few moments. Spray a sufficient amount of vinegar on the stain and then you wipe the area with a clean piece of cotton. If that place has it is still not completely clean, repeat the step and eventually add a pinch of baking  soda over the stain.
    Removing nicotine stains.
    If you get used to smoke in the bedroom it is good to know that on all the furniture is deposited a thick layer of nicotine. It is sufficient to spray once vinegar on the closet and then wipe  it with a clean cloth. You won’t believe how dirty the cloth will be. Wipe all the furniture  with a cloth soaked in vinegar. Do not miss a spot, and make sure that the bedroom is completely clean and refreshed at the end. Do not forget to wash fabrics (curtains, bedding) in water mixed with detergent and white vinegar. In this way they will be, not only clean but also disinfected.


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    English is one of the most popular languages across the world, but while the words might sound the same, their meanings sometimes don’t quite translate.


    Here are 14 words and their different definitions. Memorize before travelling to avoid any sitcom-style farces on your next holiday:




    If you happen to find yourself browsing jams in France, be careful you don’t ask for help with the preservatives. Préservatifs is French for condom.




    While this refers to a type of underwear in England, in America and Australia asking for a thong will get you a pair of summer-appropriate shoes.




    In the US and UK, we would say brat to mean a spoilt child. But in Russia, Poland, Ukraine and Croatia, brat means brother. Possibly sometimes interchangeable meanings. 




    In England, a jolly good chap is decent person. In America, it’s a decent pair of leather leggings worn by cowboys to protect their legs.




    In Britain and the US, we’re almost in agreement on what a cookie constitutes. In Hungarian, however, cookie, spelled ‘koki’, is a small penis.




    In England, to fart means to pass wind. But if you find yourself in Norway, Denmark or Sweden, fart means speed.




    Whatever you do, don’t accept a gift in Germany. This gesture of goodwill, usually in the form of chocolates or flowers, takes a more sinister turn in Germany, where the word gift means poison.




    In the US, if you want a shag, it means you want a luxury rug. Asking for that in Britain, however, would get a very different reaction, where it's slang for sex. 




    Not such a romantic word in Sweden, where it means to wee.




    While we’re on the topic, in Scotland, England’s most common word for urinating actually means small.




    A derogatory term in the UK and US, but in Sweden, slut means final. Don't be alarmed if you come across a slut-station; this is just the end of the train line. Or slut-spurt, which is a final sale.




    Also in Sweden, the word bra means good.




    The British slang for being sick means snow in Farsi, Urdu and Hindi



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    How to clean 5 items from the kitchen, dirtier than you think.


    In general, bath has the worst reputation when it comes to dirt, bacteria and germs, when in fact, the most important source of bacteria is the kitchen. The place you cook, wash, clean, cut and eat is an excellent shelter for the germs development. On a first “view”, they are harmless, but know that these can cause the most trouble. For example, because of their contact you can take a cold or an infection. Here are the dirtiest things from your kitchen.


    1. Sink.
    Kitchen sink, although it is bathed daily in tap water, is one of the dirtiest household items. You must admit that you do not disinfect it every time after you wash the dishes, you just wash it with dishwasher sponge until it looks clean. Well, it remains clean. Therefore, we recommend you to frequent wash the kitchen sink with a little dishwasher detergent mixed with sodium bicarbonate.


    2. The cutting board.
    The cutting board where you use to chop  vegetables, meat or other ingredients used in food preparation, is a luxury hotel for bacteria and germs, so we have to  well clean it  after each use. The mere passage of  the sponge over the vessels under running water is not enough. Scrubbing the  sponge on the cutting board does nothing but interfere bacteria on the two objects.
    If your cutting board is old and has deep cuts, it’s time to buy a new one. Shallows enable bacteria to shelter and make them difficult to remove. Although in general you use a wood cutting board, it is advisable to change it with one made of glass, where bacteria cannot hide.


    3. Sponges.
    Wet places are conducive to the development and breeding of bacteria and germs. Such sensational places, even exotic for bacteria are represented by sponges and cloths vessels with which you remove excess water from sinks and countertop. Even if you think that the sponge it’s cleaned because it’s soaked in soapy water, many impurities remain on it after each use. Fortunately, disinfecting sponges and cloths can be very simple. You can enter wet sponge in the microwave for 30 seconds to kill almost all bacteria or you can put them in the dishwasher.
    These tips are helpful, but more effective is to frequently change dishwasher sponges.


    4. The refrigerator.
    Bacteria are not scared of low temperatures and grow freely even if you think is cleaner than a pharmacy. The shelves and drawers in the refrigerator gather bacteria from food packages and directly from food. It is advisable to immediately wipe the place where you spilled or dropped something from the package. It is also advisable to disinfect the refrigerator’s handle.
    In summer, it is recommended to disinfect and seal the refrigerator, as this may develop mold.


    5. Handles.
    All kitchen handles are excellent sources of batteries and germs, because often come in contact with your hands, and they are full of bacteria. It is advisable to daily clean handles of the microwave, electric oven, from the kitchen furniture or other handle that you get in touch with, frequently.



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